20 May, 2008

Rasputin Compared to Macbeth

Rasputin is a lot like Macbeth because Macbeth corrupted his power, just like Rasputin did. Macbeth mistreated his subjects by murdering people like Banquo and Macduff's family. Macbeth abused his trust the king put in him as well as murdering the King himself, therefore he abused the power of trust. Macbeth also degenerated the trust of Lady Macbeth and lost the power to love others. There was also an abuse and a loss of love for Lady Macbeth, because the lack of attention from Macbeth. The power that Macbeth had corrupted him, because it made him greedy. This made Macbeth want more power which caused him to abuse the power already had. This caused Macbeth's authority to become corrupt.

Rasputin was very much like Macbeth because Rasputin did care for Alexei but he also is thought to have raped the daughters of Tsar Alexander. The Tsarita did nothing to stop this because she believed whatever Rasputin did was holy. He abused the power of trust, just like Macbeth, that the daughters, servants and the Tsarita had placed in him. Rasputin also corrupted the relationship of love with his wife because he cheated on her with several other woman. Rasputin was also power hungry as Macbeth was and used the power he had to damage the Royal Family. He would drag the name of the Tsarita in the mud and this would bri
ng the people to entrust themselves more towards Rasputin then the Tsarita and her family. This corrupted his authority, just as Macbeth corrupted the power he had. Rasputin manipulated the Tsarita and into doing things that would hinder the prosperity of the kingdom and then blamed the Tsarita to hurt the Royal family once again useing his corrupted power.

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